Sunday, October 10, 2010

Molten Chocolate

The other day, my friend Alexis and I went to a place called Angelina's for pastries and famous hot chocolate. The restaurant was beautiful. It had a very luxurious feel, all in white with a perfectly adorable pastry shop in the front. We each got their specialty and shared a macaron. The hot chocolate was european style, with water instead of milk, so it was basically exactly how you would imagine Willy Wonka's waterfall to taste like. They gave us a pitcher which had no less than 6 cups and a cup of whipped cream that was 5 inches high and 2 inches in diameter, which needless to say I immediately started eating with a spoon. It was so incredibly good that we couldn't finish it because we didn't want to ruin the experience by throwing up. Even though the whole thing cost us 20 euro, I'm pretty sure I'll be back before I leave.



  1. The absolute BEST chocolate experience in the world! Chocolate high! Whipped cream high! Grand-mammas taking their prissy grandchildren to overdose on chocolate before being sent back to the baby sitter! If I could only do one thing in Paris, it would be to have that hot chocolate.
    Have you gone to the roof of Galleries Lafayette? Great view.

  2. I haven't. That's on my list. I hear a rumor that there might be french hot chocolate in your future. Is that true?
