Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rib Karma

As some of you may or may not know, I may or may not have allegedly indirectly resulted in my dear mother breaking two of her ribs, allegedly. But I did not get off scott free, oh no. Walking down the street with two friends, recounting some witty anecdote, I was stopped in my tracks by one of the numerous posts on the sidewalk. By stopped in my tracks, I mean I squarely walked into one of them without noticing it at all. I blamed the jet lag and the fact that the post was exactly the right height that it would be invisible to me when looking straight ahead, but after the wind was knocked out of me and my top two right ribs suspiciously hurt, I was pretty sure it was Karma at work. Don't fret. Nothing is broken.

Be tee dubs: Happy birthday Gandhi.


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