So, this week marked the start of a new quarter and thus a new professor. I really like our new one (she refers to our last prof as poppa ralph), but I have been drowning in work since we started with her (hence no posts). Anyhow, the one night that I actually managed to do something other than reading (not sleeping was the tradeoff), was when Alexis and I went to dinner at a real-live French couples house! It was awesome. We were late, not because of the strikes, not because of traffic but because we got off on the wrong side of the train at the last stop and there were no exits. We had to jump (read:belly flop/shimmy) over a wall in order to get out. Then we walked 2 miles underground to find the right exit. We were angry, but when we realized that the issue was l'arc de triomphe we were a little less upset. We arrived at 9 and had a traditional, delicious multi course meal and a lot of fun. Until we realized the time: quarter to 1. On weekdays, including friday, the trains stop running at 1. Why do trains stop running! This city and London need to get their acts together. So we ran to the train, did the 2 miles underground again (I'm wearing 5 inch wedges, by the way), only to find out that the last train was at 12:41, because it's the beginning of the line. So we have to jump over the turnstyle, because we are again on the wrong side and grab a cab. The upside to all this? I got to see l'arc de triomphe, movie style, going around in a cab with my head sticking out, taking blurry pictures.
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