Sunday, October 24, 2010

School Planned Wine Tasting

Friday afternoon, right after our final, we had a wine and cheese tasting at school. In other words, after studying for 24 hours and then having 2 hours to write 2 essays about 2 topics and 2 books each, they gave us 5 glasses of wine and told us to drink slowly. We all really needed the moment of relaxation. Our sommelier was so perfectly French, he showed us a map for reference for the regions and wrote on the board the proper tasting protocol. I took some videos that I will try to load tonight. Oh the cheese was awesome also!



  1. Sounds heavenly! What did you taste? Was there a theme? That loaf of bread looks incredible too...

  2. BTW, I got my tickets to come visit! Thank you, Kate and Scott!!!

  3. Wow. Jealous of your friend that gets to visit. Can you put me in your suitcase?

    Also, love the entry. I want to see more photos of you too.

  4. We tasted a bunch of things, I can post that picture later. There didn't seem to be a theme. The bread was awesome! The cheese and the bread together was incredible. When are you coming? Can you send me your flight info?

    Nafeeza, you can try to ship yourself to me. But I don't suggest it. Things have been getting lost because of the off and on postal strike.

    Thanks! Ok more pics of me. Dually noted! <3

  5. Tell Nafeeza she shouldn't be jealous -- that it's just your mother coming to visit!
