So, I went to the Louvre, finally. Before I do a whole post, or multiple on that (lots of pictures, obvs), I thought I'd do one that was more indicative of my mood. So... there are things that I like about Paris and things I don't, they are as follows:
I like 40 minute long conversations with African security guards at the Louvre in which they say you speak French very well.
I don't like that they add "for an American".
I don't like the rain and the cold.. but I love the color the sky turns afterwards.
I don't like French people on the Metro. They have no subway etiquette. It makes me furious.
I love that little kids speak French. It's an obvious thing, but it is still so adorable.
I hate middle school kids. That's pretty much universal, even when I was one of them (ok, especially when I was one of them), but for some reason here I always think they are about to attack me.
I don't like the amount of PDA here, which is tons! GET A ROOM (obtenez une chambre, maintenant!)
I love the idea that dogs here speak French. Especially because French dogs are highly mischievous.
Ok that's all.
PS I feel better.